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5 June 2020

Gorgeous XM2010 Enhanced Sniper Rifle Of Commonwealth

Sniper is one of many weapons that can be found across the commonwealth and vital for a range combat tactic. Vanilla is good but with the mod is much better and fun. Here I listed one of my most favorite is xm2010 sniper rifles.

The sniper rifle not only come with gun and scope but more feature you can do. For more detail let's begin craft with your first xm2010.

1. Install your xm2010.

From here we use the Discovery groupsets3 + DS scope. Why? because the scope come with extra mini red dot sight.

Discovery groupsets3 + DS scope
Default xm2010 scope and zooming
Go to your mod menu and set the hotkey for the scope you choose. Discovery groupsets3 + DS scope comes with a mini red dot as secondary and can be switch to the primary.

switch primary to secondary scope

Hold on, there is more. You can do something more with the scope like new way of zooming and fov style.

2. install scopes Framework
3. install  XM2010.v2.4.Scopes Framework (see download section)
4. install fine zoom
5. install See Through Scopes
6. install XM2010 v3.0 See Through Scopes mode.FOV80 (see download section)

new aiming FOV (fov80) style
zooming with distance measurement
That is all and you are set for sniping your target. Hope my guide can help you people and have fun with it.